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Improved thickener operation at Minera Valle Central

Online interface and turbidity measurement with Turbimax CUS71D and CUS52D

In many cases the measurement of interface in thickeners is done manually, while the turbidity measurement is done by obtaining samples sent to the laboratory. In both cases the solution offered by Endress+Hauser proposes to have the values online.

Online interface measurement and turbidity monitoring at Minera Valle Central

Measuring tasks

  • Level measurement between water mirror and the defined interface inside the thickener

  • Overflow clarified water turbidity measurement

  • Heartbeat Technology to obtain diagnostics, verification, and monitoring of the instrument health status

  • Improvements in thickener operation performance

Marcos Orellana from Minera Valle Central

In both cases these measurement points lead us to improve the efficiency of the thickening process.

Marcos Orellana, Head of Electrical Maintenance
Minera Valle Central

Customer Challenge

In Mineral processing the thickening stage is very relevant, both concentrate and tailings are needed
with the lowest possible water content, as well as water clarified with the least amount of solids possible. In the case of Minera Valle Central, the challenges are related to get an interface level measurement in the tailing thickeners, to have the crucial parameters in real time, to be able to carry out corrective actions in a timelier manner. And avoid this measurement must be done manually.


  • Reliable and accurate measurement of turbidity and interface measurement

  • Improved operation thanks to automated measurement

  • Enhanced monitoring of process variables

  • Basit ürünler

  • Seçmesi, kurması ve çalıştırması kolay

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  • Standart ürünler

  • Güvenilir, sağlam ve az bakım gerektiren

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  • Üst düzey ürünler

  • Son derece fonksiyonel ve uygun

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  • Özelleştirilmiş ürünler

  • Zorlu uygulamalar için tasarlanmış

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