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CYR52: Automatic ultrasonic cleaning system for turbidity sensors.

Ultrasonic cleaning system

System for automated cleaning of turbidity sensors

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Uygulama alanı

The CYR52 ultrasonic cleaning system removes surface contamination and air bubbles from your Turbimax CUS52D turbidity sensor facilitating reliable, automated and unattended turbidity measurement. What's more, you can plan your service intervals to optimize your maintenance strategy. CYR52 offers non-contact cleaning without process interference making it a great choice for hygienic applications.

The CYR52 ultrasonic system provides automated cleaning of Turbimax CUS52D turbidity sensors in:

  • Drinking and process water:
    - All measuring points from inlet to outlet of water plants
    - Abstraction and raw water control
    - All quality control points in water production

  • Wastewater treatment plants:
    - Reuse of outlet water

  • Utilities of all industries:
    - All measuring points from inlet to outlet of water production
    - All measuring points in distribution networks


  • Allows unattended operation of your turbidity measuring points – also in hygienic processes.

  • The ultrasonic method offers reliable non-contact cleaning of your inline sensors for uninterrupted operation.

  • Easy installation: just clamp the actuator on the pipe and connect it with the generator and a Liquiline transmitter – done!

  • Simple operation: just program the cleaning loop once and it’s done!

  • Suitable for pipes and flow assemblies.

  • Basit ürünler

  • Seçmesi, kurması ve çalıştırması kolay

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  • Standart ürünler

  • Güvenilir, sağlam ve az bakım gerektiren

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  • Üst düzey ürünler

  • Son derece fonksiyonel ve uygun

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  • Özelleştirilmiş ürünler

  • Zorlu uygulamalar için tasarlanmış

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