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Micropilot FMR57 - Radar

Radar measurement
Micropilot FMR57

The standard sensor for highest demands in bulk solids level measurement

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Özelliklere genel bakış

  • Accuracy

    +/- 3 mm (0.12 in)

  • Process temperature

    -40...+400 °C
    (-40...+752 °F)

  • Process pressure / max. overpressure limit

    Vacuum...16 bar
    (Vacuum...232 psi)

  • Max. measurement distance

    70 m (230 ft)

  • Main wetted parts

    316L, PEEK, PTFE, Polyamid

Uygulama alanı

Micropilot FMR57 is the sensor for the highest demands in bulk solids and best suited for measurements in high silos, bunkers or stockpiles. The parabolic antenna facilitates very small emitting angles and thus the measurement in slim silos. Micropilot free space radar is used for continuous, non-contact level measurement in powdery to granular bulk solids. Dust, filling noises, temperature layers and gas layers do not affect the measurement.

Horn or parabolic antenna. Thanks to the additional air purge connection even strongly dusting and build-up forming media do not present any problem.

  • Process connections: Thread or flange

  • Temperature: -40 to +400°C (–40 to 752°F)

  • Pressure: -1 to +16bar (-14.5 to +232psi)

  • Maximum measuring range: 70m (230ft)

  • K-band: 26GHz

  • International explosion protection certificates, SIL, 5-point linearity protocol


  • Hardware and software developed according to IEC 61508 up to SIL3 (in homogeneous redundancy)

  • HistoROM data management concept for fast and easy commissioning, maintenance and diagnostics

  • Highest reliability even in the presence of obstructions in the vessel due to new Multi-Echo Tracking evaluation

  • Heartbeat Technology for a cost-effective and safe plant operation during the entire life cycle

  • Seamless integration into control or asset management systems and intuitive, menu-guided operation concept (on-site or via the control system)

  • Reliable measurement even for changing product and process conditions

  • World's easiest proof test concept for SIL and WHG saves time and cost


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