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Electromagnetic flowmeter - Proline Promag P 200

Proline Promag P 200
electromagnetic flowmeter

The flowmeter for highest medium temperatures with genuine loop-powered technology

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from CHF ??.-

Özelliklere genel bakış

  • Max. measurement error

    Volume flow: ±0.5 % o.r. ± 2 mm/s (0.08 in/s)

  • Measuring range

    4 dm3/min to 1100 m3/h (1 to 4850 gal/min)

  • Medium temperature range

    Liner material PFA: –20 to +150 °C (–4 to +302 °F)
    Liner material PTFE: –40 to +130 °C (–40 to +266 °F)

  • Max. process pressure

    PN 40, Class 300, 20K

  • Wetted materials

    Liner: PFA; PTFE
    Electrodes: 1.4435 (316L); Alloy C22, 2.4602 (UNS N06022); Tantalum; Platinum

Uygulama alanı

Promag P is dedicated to chemical and process applications with corrosive liquids and high medium temperatures. With genuine loop-powered technology, Promag P 200 enables cost-effective and seamless integration into existing infrastructures. It offers highest operational safety in hazardous areas thanks to its intrinsically safe design (Ex ia). Heartbeat Technology enables process safety at all times.

  • The bidirectional measuring principle is virtually independent of pressure, density, temperature and viscosity

  • Dedicated to chemical and process applications with corrosive liquids and high medium temperatures

Device properties

  • Nominal diameter: max. DN 200 (8")

  • All common Ex approvals

  • Liner made of PTFE or PFA

  • Loop-powered technology

  • Robust two-chamber housing

  • Plant safety: worldwide approvals (SIL, Haz. area)


  • Versatile applications – wide variety of wetted materials

  • Energy-saving flow measurement – no pressure loss due to cross-section constriction

  • Maintenance-free – no moving parts

  • Convenient device wiring – separate connection compartment

  • Safe operation – no need to open the device due to display with touch control, background lighting

  • Integrated verification – Heartbeat Technology


  • Heartbeat Technology
    Heartbeat Technology ile akıllı enstrümantasyon

    Tesisinizin kullanılabilirliğini artırmak ve maliyetleri azaltmak mı istiyorsunuz? Heartbeat Technology proses kesintileri olmadan uygun maliyetli ve güvenli tesis çalışmasını garanti eder.

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