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Picture of flowmeter Proline Prosonic Flow E 100 to measure of demineralized water in utilities

Proline Prosonic Flow E 100 ultrasonic flowmeter

Economical Ultrasonic flowmeter with integrated temperature measurement

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Özelliklere genel bakış

  • Max. measurement error

    Volume flow:
    - ± 0.5 % o.r. ± 0.02% o.f.s. for 0.5 to 10 m/s (1.6 to 33 ft/s)
    - ± 0.07 % o.f.s. for flow velocities < 0.5 m/s (1.64 ft/s)

  • Measuring range

    0.025 to 5 m/s (0.02 to 16.4 ft/s)
    0 to 6360 dm3/min (0 to 1680 gal/min)

  • Medium temperature range

    0 to 150° (17.8 to 302 °F)

  • Max. process pressure

    PN 25 / ASME Cl. 150

  • Wetted materials

    Measuring tube: 1.4301 (F304)
    Process Connection: 1.4571; 1.4404 (F316L); 1.0038 (S235JR); 1,4306 (F304L); 1.4307 (F304L); A105

Uygulama alanı

Measuring of demineralized water in utilities, for example in boiler condensate return lines, requires reliable devices. Prosonic Flow E 100 provides economical and accurate bidirectional flow measurement across all industries. With its integrated temperature measurement, Prosonic Flow E 100 proves to be a multivariable flowmeter for considerable additional value in your plant. Heartbeat Technology enables measurement reliability and extension of recalibration cycles.

  • The measuring principle is independent of pressure, density, temperature and conductivity

  • Bidirectional measuring of demineralized water applications for utilities, e.g. boiler condensate return lines

Device properties:

  • Accuracy up to ±0.5 % (flow) or acc. to EN 1434 Cl. 2, ±2.0 °C (± 3.6 °F) (temp.)

  • Process temperatures up to 150 °C (302 °F)

  • Entire meter housing made of stainless steel

  • 4-20 mA HART, pulse/frequency output

  • Local display for reading and monitoring available

  • Robust transmitter housing


  • Long-term stability – reliable, robust sensor

  • Reducing further measuring point – multivariable device

  • Dependable flow measurement – high turndown (200:1)

  • Time-saving local operation without additional software and hardware – integrated web server

  • Extended calibration intervals – integrated device verification due to Heartbeat Technology

  • Easy commissioning – brief parameter explanations


  • Heartbeat Technology
    Heartbeat Technology ile akıllı enstrümantasyon

    Tesisinizin kullanılabilirliğini artırmak ve maliyetleri azaltmak mı istiyorsunuz? Heartbeat Technology proses kesintileri olmadan uygun maliyetli ve güvenli tesis çalışmasını garanti eder.

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